February 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the Dutch Island Board Meeting

February 8, 2024

1. Call to order

a. Ben Perkins called the meeting to order.  Board members present were Gary Alan, Sarah Hunt, Susan Dailey, Jason Pierce, James Garrett and Paul Painter, Tania Groover. 

2. Approval of agenda

a. Motion to approve agenda, approved. 

3. Approval of November 2023 minutes

a. Motion made to approve November minutes, approved.

4. Officer Selection

a. Board officers selected are: Ben Perkins –  President, Chad Barrow – Vice President, Sarah Hunt – Treasurer, Susan Dailey – Secretary

5. Financial Report

  1. Sarah Hunt presented financials. Monthly reports approved. 
  2. 2024 Budget will be presented at the March meeting for approval
  3. Sarah Hunt made a motion “That the capitalization policy for 2023 be amended to state that the listed fixed asset acquisition will be paid for with reserve funds up to the amount of the 2023 annual fees designated for the reserve fund”. Motion approved. 

d. Motion made to engage Coomer, Coomer and Rothier to conduct our 2023 audit. Motion approved. 

6. Presidents Spending Authority

a. Motion made to approve the Board Presidents spending authority up to $5,000 for repair subject to Vice President veto. 

7. Discussion Regarding Priority Spending Projects for 2024

  1. The board agreed to table this discussion until after 2024 budget is approved at next board meeting. 

8. Committee Updates

  1. Roads and Drainage Committee updated that they are working with an engineer to identify areas of concern throughout the island where drainage is an issue. The engineer recommends that drainage be addressed before roads. The committee will come back with further information, but no action to be taken yet. 
  2. Security Committee addressed an uptick of complaints regarding speeders on the island.  Motion was made to send an email out to the island reminding residents of Dutch Island Speeding Policy. 
  3. Pool Committee discussed allowing minors under 16 to access the pool.  Discussion tabled until closer to pool season.
    1. Motion made to approved up to $4,000 towards purchase of new electronic bar code access gate from playground into pool area
    2. James Garrett working on additional lighting in the pool parking lot area.  Will present at March meeting cost and design. 

d. Landscape Committee discussed preliminary ideas for improving the fountain area at the front gate. No motion made. Island wide tree trimming of common areas and low hanging limbs will happen this spring. 

e. Dock Committee discussed the need for reinforcement to the pilings under the pavilion. Estimates will be gathered to fix. 

     a. Management will have dock assessed for repairs prior to boating season. 

f. ARC Committee discussed the need for clearer communication to the community regarding the process and response time. Gary Alan and Sarah Hunt have agreed to serve on this committee along with current members Jason Pierce and George Groover. 

9. Action Items

a. Motion was made and approved for the President to sign the memorandum of understanding with Seimitsu for the purpose of exploring bringing fiber optic cable onto Dutch Island. 

b. Motion was made and approved to pay up to $4,000 to Georgia Plantation Solutions to restock the pond with fish at Hedge Nettle and Wild Thistle for resident enjoyment. 

10. Covenants

  1. Residents will be emailed an update on the new revised covenants from the resident comments and allow residents until February 19th to submit questions before covenants will be put out for a vote. 

Meeting Adjourned