May 11, 2024 Board Minutes

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April 11, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the Dutch Island Board Meeting

April 11, 2024

1. Call to order

a. Chad Barrow called the zoom meeting to order.  Board members present were Gary Alan, Sarah Hunt, Susan Dailey,, James Garrett, and Tania Groover.

2. Approval of agenda

a. Motion to approve agenda, approved. 

3. Approval of March 14th  minutes

a. Motion made to approve March minutes, approved.

4. Public Comment

a. Resident concerns about on street parking was addressed. This is a safety concern for emergency vehicles and against our covenants. 

b.The board agreed to send an email out to the community concerning this and voted on the following action: Continuous overnight street parking results in a 2 week suspension of gate privileges for the household. 2nd offense results in a loss of gate privileges for 2 months and a $250 re-activation fee. 

5. Financial Report

a.Sarah Hunt presented financials. Monthly reports approved.

b.Discussion of priority projects for the board. Committees will come back with estimates for projects to be voted on. c.Gary, Sarah, and Tania will form a committee to look at costs and plans for a community clubhouse. 

6. Covenants

a. A motion was made to approve acquiring docusign to allow electronic voting for the new covenants and to begin opening the voting up in 30 days. Motion passed. James and Paul will work with Colby on how to distribute this information to residents. 

7. Boat Trailer Parking

a. A motion was made to notify residents with registered boats who leave their trailers parked at the dock 24 hours to move their trailer or it will be towed by towing company posted at the dock.Communication will go out to residents reminding them of this rule.  Motion carried. 

8. Maintenance Items 

a.Minnow basin/culvert area and pool parking lot need to be addressed with new gravel and some type of grass covering. Bids will be collected for these two areas. 

b.Pool Lighting- Gary and James are working on new lighting for the pool parking lot area. A motion was made to approve up to $10K for this project. Motion approved. 

c. Fountain- The board voted by email on a proposal by Fountains and Such to repaint the interior of the fountain and repair some of the non-working fountain heads. The email voted was ratified by the board. 

9. Committee Updates

Dock Committee-
a.Pressure washing of the dock will begin soon. A proposal from Soap on a Rope was approved. 

Roads and Drainage Committee
a.Chad Barrow updated that the committee is working with Coleman Engineering to identify areas of concern throughout the island and present a scope of work. A motion was made to accept a proposal from Coleman for $32,500 to determine work that needs to be done not the actual work itself, and to include up to an additional $25K to make drainage repairs on Terrapin Trail by Coastal Site Work. Motion approved.
b. Chad will get estimates for painting speed bumps.
c. Chad, Ben and Paul will work on the wording for communication that needs to go out to residents for keeping ditches and culverts cleared. 

Pool Committee
a.Cindy Malone presented the Health Department Inspection Findings which cited our water heater not working. Ladder anchors that need to be replaced and the coping around the pool deck that is a trip hazard.  Cindy is working with Kirby the pool management company to get the first items repaired and estimates for what direction to take on the pool coping or pool decking which will need to be repaired or replaced.

Landscape Committee
a.A motion was made to approve the estimate up to $10K from Bartlett Tree Company for island wide tree canopy trimming to being first of May. Motion passed. Communication will be sent to residents. 

10. ARC Committee
A. Randy Peacock will be joining the ARC committee. 

New Business

Sarah Hunt suggested holding a Town Hall meeting for residents to discuss drainage issues and expenses. 

Meeting Adjourned

March 14, 2024 Board Minutes

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September 2023 Board Minutes

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  4. Resident will receive an email noting approval status.

August 2023 Board Minutes

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May 2023 Board Minutes

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  2. Resident is sent an email requesting email confirmation – Resident will need to click the link to validate their email account.
  3. Dutch Island Staff will receive the link and verify/ approve within 2 days.
  4. Resident will receive an email noting approval status.