October 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the Dutch Island Board Meeting 

October 10, 2024

1. Call to order 

a. Susan Dailey called meeting to order via zoom.  Board members present were Gary Alan, Sarah Hunt, Susan Dailey, James Garrett, Tania Groover and Paul Painter. 

2. Approval of agenda 

a. Motion to approve agenda with changes approved. 

3. Approval of August  minutes 

a. Motion made to approve August 22, 2024 minutes, approved. 

4. Front Gate/Security Update

a. Hurricane Response Plan to be prepared once we have the new gate system in place. 

b. James Garrett presented a detailed presentation on a new gate system to be ordered. The current gate is obsolete and replacement parts are no longer available. The new system will operate on a magnetic system. New software will be purchased to integrate cameras, bar codes, contractor passes, etc. Motion to spend up to $125,000 on new gate entry system, software, new computer system going to MAC, and new phones. Motion passed. Likely completion will be first quarter of 2025. 

5. Financial Report 

a.Sarah Hunt presented financials. Monthly Reports for both August and September  approved. 

b.Collection of Unpaid HOA and contractor pass balances: Sarah Hunt made a motion to write off non-collectable daily passes for  2022 and 2023. Motion approved. 

c.Policy will be followed for non-payment of HOA dues and liens will be placed for late payments in November/December. 

c. Further discussion carried forward on how to collect future dailey passes. 

d.Preliminary 2025 Budget was presented by Sarah Hunt. A budget workshop for board members will be held on October 22, 2024. 

6. Policy on Limited Covenant Enforcement

a.This discussion will move to November. 

7. Rules and Regulations Discussion

a.Sarah Hunt presented an updated Rules and Regulations handbook which integrates updated policies from our previous version in 2019. Board members to send any edits to Sarah to be presented at November board meeting. 

b.Sarah Hunt made a motion to approve changes to ARC Rules as follows:  Motion passed

1. ARC approvals are valid for 12 months from the date of the approval issuance. If work

has not commenced within 12 months from the date of approval, then a new request must

be submitted.

2. Solar Panels – Installation of solar panels requires ARC approval. Solar panels need to

be installed in an inconspicuous space on either the resident’s home and/or property.

Solar panels will not be allowed to be visible from a street view of the property. The

resident requesting solar panel installation will be required to provide a letter from all

neighbors surrounding the residences indicating approval. It will be necessary to provide

a drawing representing the proposed location of the panels along with a picture of the

solar panels to be installed. If a batter storage system is to be installed, resident needs to

also include information on the location of the storage system, including pictures.

3. Commercial Vehicles will not be permitted onto the Island to deliver:

a. Cement/Cement Trucks

b. Dumpsters

c. Large Equipment – bulldozer, excavator, cranes, lifts, etc.