Dutch Island Board Meeting Minutes 

6pm February 27, 2025

Board members present: Gary Allen, Susan Dailey, Denise Wilson,Chris Cribbs, James Garrett, Tania Groover, Casey Smith, Randy Peacock 

The meeting was called to order at 6:09pm and a quorum was met.

    Board Administration & Governance

  • Approved meeting minutes from previous meeting.
  • Open board position to be filled – will discuss at the March meeting.
  • Looking for candidates with IT/technology background to replace James, who is rolling off.
  • Fitz Hiltzheimer is willing to help with specific projects like RFID gate rollout.
  • Appointed Chris Cribbs as treasurer to fill Sarah Hunt’s vacated 2-year term.
  • Dave Fletcher and George Groover were added to ARC committee.
  • James Garrett will conduct training session on ticket system for new members.

Financial Update

Chris Cribbs presented the 2025 budget overview:

  • Net income $6,000 ahead of budget for January
  • Key expenses breakdown:
    • Security & pool: 50% of expenses
    • Landscaping, maintenance, management fees: 35% of expenses
  • Need to evaluate revenue options due to operating deficit.
  • Discussing investment strategies for $1M+ in reserves.
    • Considering line of credit as safety net.
    • Exploring index fund options with 3-year withdrawal buffer.
    • Current CD rates dropping from 6% to 3%.

Security & Access Control

James Garrett presented updates on the new gate access system: 

  • Gate arms installation completed.
  • PropTEA software rollout in progress:
    • Hardware at installer location for testing.
    • Installation scheduled within 3-4 weeks.
    • Will run parallel with current barcode system.
    • New features include:
      • License plate readers
      • Call box functionality
      • Automated contractor access options
      • Guest pass tracking
  • Discussing purchase of security vehicle vs current $1,200/month rental.

Infrastructure & Maintenance

Randy Peacock, Casey Smith, and Gary Allen reported on road and drainage issues:

  • Identified approximately 50 areas needing road repairs.
  • Randy creating detailed assessment with photos and locations.
  • Drainage project update:
    • Additional $29,500 approved for Mulberry Bluff repairs
    • Includes pipes being reset within the sloped retaining wall
  • Pool maintenance items:
    • New auto-fill system proposed ($2,500)
    • LED light replacement needed ($1,650 per light)
    • Discussing future pool deck replacement

Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

  • New members added to committee.
  • James Garrett will conduct training on ticket system.
  • Discussed paint color approval process 

Legal Matters

  • Received demand letter regarding house paint color dispute.
  • Board discussing response options:
    • Consulting with insurance company
    • Evaluating legal representation options
    • Considering response strategy

Community Management

  • Discussing wildlife management program:
    • Annual deer culling program details
    • Need for better communication with security about contractor access
  • Estate sale policy established:
    • $250 flat fee for companies
    • Must coordinate with security
    • Time restrictions to be enforced

Projects & Planning

  • Evaluating landscape improvements:
    • Pool area upgrades with landscaping and annual maintenance 
    • Tree trimming along causeway and around street lights 
    • Streetlight clearance work ($10,000-12,000 estimate)
  • Golf cart registration program under consideration.
  • Reviewing security camera implementation and speeding enforcement policies.
  • Covenants- An online push along with a mailed letter explaining the importance of passing the new covenants will be done. 

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm

October 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the Dutch Island Board Meeting 

October 10, 2024

1. Call to order 

a. Susan Dailey called meeting to order via zoom.  Board members present were Gary Alan, Sarah Hunt, Susan Dailey, James Garrett, Tania Groover and Paul Painter. 

2. Approval of agenda 

a. Motion to approve agenda with changes approved. 

3. Approval of August  minutes 

a. Motion made to approve August 22, 2024 minutes, approved. 

4. Front Gate/Security Update

a. Hurricane Response Plan to be prepared once we have the new gate system in place. 

b. James Garrett presented a detailed presentation on a new gate system to be ordered. The current gate is obsolete and replacement parts are no longer available. The new system will operate on a magnetic system. New software will be purchased to integrate cameras, bar codes, contractor passes, etc. Motion to spend up to $125,000 on new gate entry system, software, new computer system going to MAC, and new phones. Motion passed. Likely completion will be first quarter of 2025. 

5. Financial Report 

a.Sarah Hunt presented financials. Monthly Reports for both August and September  approved. 

b.Collection of Unpaid HOA and contractor pass balances: Sarah Hunt made a motion to write off non-collectable daily passes for  2022 and 2023. Motion approved. 

c.Policy will be followed for non-payment of HOA dues and liens will be placed for late payments in November/December. 

c. Further discussion carried forward on how to collect future dailey passes. 

d.Preliminary 2025 Budget was presented by Sarah Hunt. A budget workshop for board members will be held on October 22, 2024. 

6. Policy on Limited Covenant Enforcement

a.This discussion will move to November. 

7. Rules and Regulations Discussion

a.Sarah Hunt presented an updated Rules and Regulations handbook which integrates updated policies from our previous version in 2019. Board members to send any edits to Sarah to be presented at November board meeting. 

b.Sarah Hunt made a motion to approve changes to ARC Rules as follows:  Motion passed

1. ARC approvals are valid for 12 months from the date of the approval issuance. If work

has not commenced within 12 months from the date of approval, then a new request must

be submitted.

2. Solar Panels – Installation of solar panels requires ARC approval. Solar panels need to

be installed in an inconspicuous space on either the resident’s home and/or property.

Solar panels will not be allowed to be visible from a street view of the property. The

resident requesting solar panel installation will be required to provide a letter from all

neighbors surrounding the residences indicating approval. It will be necessary to provide

a drawing representing the proposed location of the panels along with a picture of the

solar panels to be installed. If a batter storage system is to be installed, resident needs to

also include information on the location of the storage system, including pictures.

3. Commercial Vehicles will not be permitted onto the Island to deliver:

a. Cement/Cement Trucks

b. Dumpsters

c. Large Equipment – bulldozer, excavator, cranes, lifts, etc.

August 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the Dutch Island Board Meeting

August 22, 2024

Minutes for the Dutch Island Board Meeting 

August 22, 2024 

1. Call to order 

a. Ben Perkins called meeting to order at the Dutch Island Pool. Board members present were Gary Alan, Sarah Hunt, Susan Dailey, James Garrett, Chad Barrow and Paul Painter. 

2. Approval of agenda 

a. Motion to approve agenda with changes approved. 

3. Approval of June minutes 

a. Motion made to approve June 13, 2024 minutes, approved. 

4. Financial Report 

a.Sarah Hunt presented financials. Monthly Reports approved. Sarah reported that the swimming pool is over budget due to repairs. 

b.Collection of Unpaid HOA and contractor pass balances: a new policy for collections will be presented at the September meeting. 

5. Public Comments 

Several residents in attendance spoke regarding speeding along Herb River Drive from the area around Buccaneer Bend to the pool. Another resident spoke about speeding is an issue along Mulberry Bluff back towards Settlers Point. 

6. Speed Detection Devices 

a.Ben Perkins presented information regarding concern for speeding on the island and the risk and liability for the HOA not to act. 

b.He and James Garrett presented a proposal to approve traffic safety devices from TrafficLogix to install 1 (one) speed detection device at a cost up to $16,000 to be used around the island. 

c.There was discussion among the board about how this was to implemented, where this was to be used and how it would be used to enforce speeding. 

d.A motion was made to approve the proposal to spend up to $16,000, Motion carried, with Gary Alan opposed. e. Motion was made by Paul Painter to have the Traffic Committee present how the back end process would work and how it will be used to be presented at the October meeting. Motion carried. 

7. Management Report 

a. Longshore presented a monthly management report. The HOA will consider different format for future reports. 

8. Covenants 

a. The board decided to defer this discussion to email communication on how and when to roll this out to the residents. 

8. Maintenance Items 

a. Discussion regarding the speed bump painting. The board agreed to get another quote for a second coat of paint as it was not done well. 

9. Committee Updates 

a. ARC Committee 

a.Sarah Hunt asks that the HOA board create a policy for solar panels as we do not currently have one. 

b.Dock Committee 

a.New cleats and repairs are completed.

c.Events Committee 

a. Annual Crabbing Tournament is scheduled for Saturday August 24th. Resident party to follow at 6pm at pool. 

d.Landscape Committee 

a.Gary Alan would like to look at the fence area by the pool to possibly be extended to help protect the gas line. 

e.Pool Committee 

a.Pool lighting has been installed at the parking lot. 

b.Cindy Malone discussed considering new lifeguard role and duties for next summer. They are a big part of our budget and are we getting enough out of them. Perhaps consider using just gate attendants instead. Pool Committee will discuss and make recommendations for next summer. 

c. Pool deck is slippery, mats or slip resistant surface needed under pavilion and pool deck. d.Longshore will work on getting estimates to replace our pool deck with pavers to be considered in our budget for replacement since we were cited by the county for the coping and pool deck becoming unlevel. Gary Alan offered to get an estimate also. 

f.Roads and Drainage Committee 

a.Chad Barrow updated that island faired pretty well after our last rain of 12”. There are still some issues on Wild Thistle and Terrapin and areas that need to be excavated. 

b.Chad made a motion to approve Herrington Tree up to $12,500 for tree removal at Terrapin Trail to provide access to the lagoon for future dredging. 

c.. The HOA will send email to residents about their duty and responsibility to clean their drainage ditches. Also include keeping curbs clean from debris going down the drains. 

g.Security Committee 

Discussion for the need for a board member over security to update the policies, processes and SOP. a.Agenda included discussion regarding Commercial Pass Registration, how best to take electronic payments at the gate and IT support- this discussion to be carried over to September board meeting. b.Unmanned Gate Protocol- Longshore will research other policies for a Hurricane Response Protocol and Policy and present at the October HOA meeting. 

10. Community Center- Status? 

Nothing to report. 

11. Vacant Board Positions 

Gary Alan made a motion for the board to appoint Randy Peacock to the board to fill the vacated position held by Jason Pierce which expires in December. Motion carried. 

Meeting Adjourned 

Unfinished Business/ Action Items 

● Collection of Unpaid HOA and contractor pass balances: a new policy for collections will be presented at the September meeting. 

● Traffic Committee to present at October meeting how the back end process would work for the speeding detection device agreed upon. 

● Covenants- how to roll out to community and voting procedures. 

● Longshore to get quote for second coat of paint for speed bumps. 

● Solar Panel policy to be created for ARC amd presented to the board for vote. 

● Landscape Committee to look at fence in front of pool to see if it should be moved to protect the gas line. ● Pool- Longshore to get quote for replacing pool deck with pavers. Cindy Malone to present new lifeguard proposal for next summer. 

● Roads and Drainage committee to draft communication to go out to residents about their responsibility to

clean their drainage ditches and also keep gutters free of debris and out of drains. ● Commercial Pass Registration, how best to take electronic payments at the gate and IT support- ● Unmanned Gate protocol and Hurricane Response Plan to be researched by Longshore and presented at October meeting. 

● Policy needed for boat, trailer and car penalties for towing, warnings etc.

February 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the Dutch Island Board Meeting

February 8, 2024

1. Call to order

a. Ben Perkins called the meeting to order.  Board members present were Gary Alan, Sarah Hunt, Susan Dailey, Jason Pierce, James Garrett and Paul Painter, Tania Groover. 

2. Approval of agenda

a. Motion to approve agenda, approved. 

3. Approval of November 2023 minutes

a. Motion made to approve November minutes, approved.

4. Officer Selection

a. Board officers selected are: Ben Perkins –  President, Chad Barrow – Vice President, Sarah Hunt – Treasurer, Susan Dailey – Secretary

5. Financial Report

  1. Sarah Hunt presented financials. Monthly reports approved. 
  2. 2024 Budget will be presented at the March meeting for approval
  3. Sarah Hunt made a motion “That the capitalization policy for 2023 be amended to state that the listed fixed asset acquisition will be paid for with reserve funds up to the amount of the 2023 annual fees designated for the reserve fund”. Motion approved. 

d. Motion made to engage Coomer, Coomer and Rothier to conduct our 2023 audit. Motion approved. 

6. Presidents Spending Authority

a. Motion made to approve the Board Presidents spending authority up to $5,000 for repair subject to Vice President veto. 

7. Discussion Regarding Priority Spending Projects for 2024

  1. The board agreed to table this discussion until after 2024 budget is approved at next board meeting. 

8. Committee Updates

  1. Roads and Drainage Committee updated that they are working with an engineer to identify areas of concern throughout the island where drainage is an issue. The engineer recommends that drainage be addressed before roads. The committee will come back with further information, but no action to be taken yet. 
  2. Security Committee addressed an uptick of complaints regarding speeders on the island.  Motion was made to send an email out to the island reminding residents of Dutch Island Speeding Policy. 
  3. Pool Committee discussed allowing minors under 16 to access the pool.  Discussion tabled until closer to pool season.
    1. Motion made to approved up to $4,000 towards purchase of new electronic bar code access gate from playground into pool area
    2. James Garrett working on additional lighting in the pool parking lot area.  Will present at March meeting cost and design. 

d. Landscape Committee discussed preliminary ideas for improving the fountain area at the front gate. No motion made. Island wide tree trimming of common areas and low hanging limbs will happen this spring. 

e. Dock Committee discussed the need for reinforcement to the pilings under the pavilion. Estimates will be gathered to fix. 

     a. Management will have dock assessed for repairs prior to boating season. 

f. ARC Committee discussed the need for clearer communication to the community regarding the process and response time. Gary Alan and Sarah Hunt have agreed to serve on this committee along with current members Jason Pierce and George Groover. 

9. Action Items

a. Motion was made and approved for the President to sign the memorandum of understanding with Seimitsu for the purpose of exploring bringing fiber optic cable onto Dutch Island. 

b. Motion was made and approved to pay up to $4,000 to Georgia Plantation Solutions to restock the pond with fish at Hedge Nettle and Wild Thistle for resident enjoyment. 

10. Covenants

  1. Residents will be emailed an update on the new revised covenants from the resident comments and allow residents until February 19th to submit questions before covenants will be put out for a vote. 

Meeting Adjourned

March 14, 2024 Meeting Minutes

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Dutch Island Residents are encouraged to join to view this content. This content is private for our residents to see information not shared publicly.  The registration process is as follows.

  1. Resident fills in registration form noting the mandatory fields and submits at the bottom of the form. Link – https://dutchisland.net/register/
  2. Resident is sent an email requesting email confirmation – Resident will need to click the link to validate their email account.
  3. Dutch Island Staff will receive the link and verify/ approve within 2 days.
  4. Resident will receive an email noting approval status.

Annual Meeting Minutes January 18, 2024

Minutes for Dutch Island Annual Members Meeting
January 18, 2024

a. President Ben Perkins welcomed property owners and introduced Board Members.
b. Ben noted 2023 accomplishments to include:

 Placing reserve funds in interest bearing accounts that generated ~$25,000 in income
for 2023 and are expected to generate ~$55,000 in income for 2024.
 Roads and storm water drainage systems were evaluated by a civil engineer to
determine future maintenance and replacement needs.
 The tennis courts were resurfaced and repainted to include pickle ball courts, and pickle
ball nets were purchased.
 Tennis court lighting was upgraded.
 The swimming pool decking was repainted under warranty.
 The swimming pool was resurfaced (no more “pool toe”).
 A new security contractor was engaged, resulting in a more responsive contractor and
higher pay to the employees without paying more for the service.
 A new landscaping company was engaged to provide a higher level of service.
 Commenced work to have an additional internet service provider on the island.
 Landscaping improvements were implemented, including phase 1 of the causeway
trimming project (intended to improve views while promoting the health of the trees
and bushes and protecting the causeway from erosion), improvements at the front gate
landscape beds, and elsewhere on the island.
 Installed a new digital sign at the front gate.
 Hosted many social events (including the annual Christmas with Santa, the Easter Egg
hunt, the July 4 party, classic car coffees, and the crabbing tournament).
 Holding more board meetings by Zoom after realizing that more residents attend board
meetings if held online.
 Increased resident engagement through the use of committees, including landscaping,
tennis/pickleball, playgrounds, and streets/roads/drainage/safety. A special thanks to all
of our volunteers!
c. Forecast for 2024 and beyond:

 In response to numerous requests, a large sun shade will be installed at the playground
to promote enjoyment of the playground during sunny days.
 Completion of the causeway trimming project.
 Addressing the unsightly parking area at the causeway culvert/bulkhead, to include
grassing and grading that area.
 New covenants to be submitted for a vote of the homeowners. The Board circulated
the draft covenants to homeowners for comment. Feedback continues to be received,
and changes have been made in response. Once the Board is confident the covenants
are in an acceptable form, the Board will circulate the covenants for a vote, likely in a
few months.
 Lighting upgrades at the pool building parking lot (thanks to Rushing Electric for helping
us contain costs).

 Drainage and road maintenance and repair based on the civil engineer’s report.
 Identifying means to improve pedestrian safety on the stretch of road from live oak
circle (the intersection of Meriweather Dr. and Dutch Island Dr.) to the causeway.
 Maintenance at the dock pavilion, which needs bracing.
 Restocking fish in the pond on Wild Thistle, and improving access for residents to fish
that pond near the corner of Wild Thistle and Hedge Nettle Crossing.

Financial Report
a. Finance Committee reported $242,000 net income and $1,266,000 in assets. The Reserve Fund is
currently invested in Certificate of Deposits and will generate approximately $55,000 in interest.
a. In 2023 a new security company was engaged. To date, recordkeeping of passes has improved.
b. Residents are encouraged to use gate sentry website to order gate passes.
a. Since phases of Dutch Island were developed over many years, different covenants are in part out
dated and have a variety of assorted rules. Consolidated and updated covenants will make it easier for
homeowners, lawyers, realtors and board members to advise and comply.
b. Presently, there is no way to enforce covenants. New covenants will clarify covenant enforcement
b. In order to adopt these new covenants, a 2/3 consent by residents is required.
c. Even if you do not agree with every covenant, please vote “yes.” A simplification and merging of
covenants will be better for the entire neighborhood.
Homeowners questions.
a. How will infraction of covenants be enforced?
b. Is homeowner allowed to perform routine yard maintenance on Sunday? Answer is “yes.”
c. Can special assessment be applied to some lots and not others? Answer is “No. If there is a special
need beyond Reserve Fund, special assessments will be applicable to all property owners.
d. Why does Dutch Island experience power outages? Answer is “high winds blow wires together and
cause a short.”
e. Speed bumps need painting to increase visibility. Answer is “speed bumps will be addressed as a
part of roadwork to be performed in 2024.”
f. How can golf cart speeding, underage driving and lack of lights be handled? Answer is “required
registration of golf carts.”
g. How can needed road repair take place immediately outside gate exit? Answer is “contact our
county commissioner Helen Stone.”
Meeting adjourned.
Tally of votes for 2024 Board
Chad Barrow, Paul Painter, Gary Allen, Sarah Hunt elected.

June 13, 2024 Minutes

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Dutch Island Residents are encouraged to join to view this content. This content is private for our residents to see information not shared publicly.  The registration process is as follows.

  1. Resident fills in registration form noting the mandatory fields and submits at the bottom of the form. Link – https://dutchisland.net/register/
  2. Resident is sent an email requesting email confirmation – Resident will need to click the link to validate their email account.
  3. Dutch Island Staff will receive the link and verify/ approve within 2 days.
  4. Resident will receive an email noting approval status.

May 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Please login to view this content.

Dutch Island Residents are encouraged to join to view this content. This content is private for our residents to see information not shared publicly.  The registration process is as follows.

  1. Resident fills in registration form noting the mandatory fields and submits at the bottom of the form. Link – https://dutchisland.net/register/
  2. Resident is sent an email requesting email confirmation – Resident will need to click the link to validate their email account.
  3. Dutch Island Staff will receive the link and verify/ approve within 2 days.
  4. Resident will receive an email noting approval status.

April 11, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes for the Dutch Island Board Meeting

April 11, 2024

1. Call to order

a. Chad Barrow called the zoom meeting to order.  Board members present were Gary Alan, Sarah Hunt, Susan Dailey,, James Garrett, and Tania Groover.

2. Approval of agenda

a. Motion to approve agenda, approved. 

3. Approval of March 14th  minutes

a. Motion made to approve March minutes, approved.

4. Public Comment

a. Resident concerns about on street parking was addressed. This is a safety concern for emergency vehicles and against our covenants. 

b.The board agreed to send an email out to the community concerning this and voted on the following action: Continuous overnight street parking results in a 2 week suspension of gate privileges for the household. 2nd offense results in a loss of gate privileges for 2 months and a $250 re-activation fee. 

5. Financial Report

a.Sarah Hunt presented financials. Monthly reports approved.

b.Discussion of priority projects for the board. Committees will come back with estimates for projects to be voted on. c.Gary, Sarah, and Tania will form a committee to look at costs and plans for a community clubhouse. 

6. Covenants

a. A motion was made to approve acquiring docusign to allow electronic voting for the new covenants and to begin opening the voting up in 30 days. Motion passed. James and Paul will work with Colby on how to distribute this information to residents. 

7. Boat Trailer Parking

a. A motion was made to notify residents with registered boats who leave their trailers parked at the dock 24 hours to move their trailer or it will be towed by towing company posted at the dock.Communication will go out to residents reminding them of this rule.  Motion carried. 

8. Maintenance Items 

a.Minnow basin/culvert area and pool parking lot need to be addressed with new gravel and some type of grass covering. Bids will be collected for these two areas. 

b.Pool Lighting- Gary and James are working on new lighting for the pool parking lot area. A motion was made to approve up to $10K for this project. Motion approved. 

c. Fountain- The board voted by email on a proposal by Fountains and Such to repaint the interior of the fountain and repair some of the non-working fountain heads. The email voted was ratified by the board. 

9. Committee Updates

Dock Committee-
a.Pressure washing of the dock will begin soon. A proposal from Soap on a Rope was approved. 

Roads and Drainage Committee
a.Chad Barrow updated that the committee is working with Coleman Engineering to identify areas of concern throughout the island and present a scope of work. A motion was made to accept a proposal from Coleman for $32,500 to determine work that needs to be done not the actual work itself, and to include up to an additional $25K to make drainage repairs on Terrapin Trail by Coastal Site Work. Motion approved.
b. Chad will get estimates for painting speed bumps.
c. Chad, Ben and Paul will work on the wording for communication that needs to go out to residents for keeping ditches and culverts cleared. 

Pool Committee
a.Cindy Malone presented the Health Department Inspection Findings which cited our water heater not working. Ladder anchors that need to be replaced and the coping around the pool deck that is a trip hazard.  Cindy is working with Kirby the pool management company to get the first items repaired and estimates for what direction to take on the pool coping or pool decking which will need to be repaired or replaced.

Landscape Committee
a.A motion was made to approve the estimate up to $10K from Bartlett Tree Company for island wide tree canopy trimming to being first of May. Motion passed. Communication will be sent to residents. 

10. ARC Committee
A. Randy Peacock will be joining the ARC committee. 

New Business

Sarah Hunt suggested holding a Town Hall meeting for residents to discuss drainage issues and expenses. 

Meeting Adjourned